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Pregnancy Warning Mark Type 5 now available
2023-05-31   Food Standards Australia and New Zealand have now released a 5th version of the mandatory Pregnancy Warning Mark. This is a 1-colour version that can be used on the outer packaging of prescribed alcoholic beverage that includes more than one ind...
What is the real cost?
2023-05-18  (click to read) Print21 recently included an article that delves into the reasons for the closure of the Opal paper mill in MaryVale. Yes, there's no denying that the environment matters and is a major factor that governs the printing and packa...
Paper bag printing
2023-05-11 Did you know we can also offer printed paper bags?   Along with customising stock cartons, the versatility of our digital printer enables us to print a whole range of items with paper bags being just one of them.   Contact us to find out more.
Printed stock carton
2023-04-26 Here's an example of a small run of 40 cartons that were pulled out of stock and digitally printed for a customer. The customer called in mid-morning with a sample of their product  that we were able to fit into a STOCKSA4S-150 stock carton. T...